Chat GPT Has Passed The CyberLaw Exam !

Prathamesh Satam
4 min readApr 21, 2023


As a cybersecurity professional, I understand the importance of keeping up-to-date with the latest laws and regulations surrounding cybersecurity. That’s why I recently decided to put Chat GPT to the test some of my review questions that I marked in my open book cyber law exam few days ago.

Note: Before moving forward, I would like to make a disclaimer that the exam was open book and was conducted without any malpractices. Additionally, the questions asked to Chat GPT in this blog were for review purposes only, and no malpractices were followed during the exam. The questions asked in the blog were those in which I felt Chat GPT may have had difficulty reviewing to check knowledge and review my answers after the exam.

Now, getting back to Chat GPT’s performance on the review questions— I found that its ability to analyze and interpret legal information was impressive. It also demonstrated a strong understanding of the nuances of cyber law and its application in real-world scenarios. Overall, Chat GPT’s performance on the exam showcases its knowledge and understanding of cyber law and the ability to apply it in practical situations.

Review Question-1

X company is a licensed certifying authority in India. X obtained its license from the Controller of Certifying Authorities in 2001. However, business has not picked up and the company has gone into losses. The management of X wants to quit the business and wind up the company.

Select the most appropriate statement from the following: Select one:

a. X can quit the business and wind up the company.

b. X t has to notify the Controller before terminating operations as a certifying authority.

c. X should notify the Controller 90 days before terminating operations as a certifying authority.

d. The certifying authority has to notify the Controller, advertise and give adequate compensation where required before ceasing to act as a certifying authority.

I marked my answer as C and turns it was wrong !

Chat GPT’s Response : The reason why answer c is incorrect is that as per the Indian IT Act, 2000, the certifying authority is required to notify the Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA) at least 30 days before discontinuing its services, not 90 days as mentioned in option c.

Option D is the most appropriate because it includes the necessary steps that a certifying authority needs to follow before ceasing its operations. The certifying authority needs to inform the CCA, advertise the discontinuation in at least two leading newspapers, and provide adequate compensation where required. This is done to ensure that the users who have relied on the certificates issued by the certifying authority are informed of the discontinuation and are not adversely affected.

Which of the following is not a communication device according to the Information Technology Act 2000? Select one:

a. Personal Digital Assistant

b. Touch Screen

c. Walkie-talkie

d. Pager

It is not mandatory for a Certifying Authority to display its licence at a conspicuous place of the premises in which it carries on its business.

Select one:



Theft relates to “immovable property being taken out of the possession of someone”.

Select one:



These were some of the questions I had marked for review during my exam and couldnt find a clear response on google and hence decided to test them on GPT and as you can see the results.

There were many more questions asked in the exam in which I felt very confident and answered them.Few were marked for my review purpose which I later cross checked but could’nt found the precise answers on google and thought to challenge GPT. Although the exam was itself an open book based exam I passed the exam without any malpractices and thus we can conclude that if I can score the fullest excluding my review questions which I am sure I have mistaken or may not then Chat GPT can definitely score a 100 if it has to attempt the exam And Hence we can un-officially conclude that Chat GPT has passed the Cyber Law exam.

In conclusion, Chat GPT’s success in passing the Cyber Law test is an important accomplishment that demonstrates the power of cutting-edge language models for cybersecurity. Although the exam was open-book, it was nonetheless difficult and called for thorough knowledge and comprehension of the laws governing technology and information security. Additionally, the integrity and professionalism of the examiners and the examinee are demonstrated by the exam’s smooth operation and observance of confidentiality. Finally, given the growing importance of AI and natural language processing in cybersecurity, it is essential to keep improving our knowledge and expertise in this field.

